
We are a community that stays connected

Our success as an Association is critically dependent on the ability to stay connected with members, friends, associates, donors and other stakeholders.  As a result, the Association maintains a vital presence on social media and use various informal gatherings to maintain contact and build camaraderie.  

We use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube as the primary platforms to connect with all constituents and encourage everyone to join our pages/follow us in order to keep informed.  We work very hard to accomplish our objectives but have fun doing so.  We play soccer as a group every Saturday morning and there is an annual Homecoming at the school which is organized around many social and nostalgic activities. 


WhatsApp Group Chat

Our ‘WhatsApp Group Chat’ is reminiscent of the discussions and debates shared under the iconic Ackee Tree at school. This allows for real time communication, discussion and dialogue on any and everything.

There are multiple WhatsApp Groups which are open to both Paid members and Non- Paid members.  We invite you to participate in the WhatsApp Group Chat. All discussions in the Paid member What’s App Group Chat are confidential and members are expected to keep them as such.
WhatsApp Group Chat

Networking and Career Opportunities

A successful alumni body is critical for a successful Association. The Association strives to make all members successful. Many of the senior members of the Association are established in their respective professions. Being a member of the Association allows for deep networking contacts across a wide range of industries in South Florida, which can help to advance careers and enhance the success of others. Additionally, members are encouraged to share career opportunities they become aware of with other members of the Association.



Since 2010, Cornwall College and the alumni association in Montego Bay, have been hosting a ‘homecoming’ for all students, teachers and alumni in September each year.

Alumni from around the world travel back to Montego Bay for a reunion with present students, teachers and old friends of the college. Homecoming is an uplifting and very positive event and all are encouraged to participate. 

Because of the current Covid pandemic Homecoming is deferred until further notice. All members will be notified as things change.

Homecoming 2018
Photos from the 2018 Homecoming Gala held in Montego Bay, Jamaica

Football (Soccer)

Football (Soccer) is an important part of campus life at Cornwall College. As students, we all enjoyed the games regardless of whether we represented the school or cheered on the team(s). Some of the younger members of the Association gather on Saturday mornings at 8 o’clock (sharp), to play “small goal” soccer (scrimmage). All Association members are welcomed regardless of skill level. Please bring a colored shirt and/or a white shirt and wear soccer boots. The field address is:

Brian Piccolo Park 
9501 Sheridan St,
Cooper City, FL 33024

The Association also takes part in various local football tournaments throughout the year, including the big Labor Day All-schools tournament. Proudly, our teams have not only competed but contended for tournament honors, winning the title twice in the last six years.