On Friday June 18, 2021, Cornwall College received a total of 115 Dell Latitude 14 inch laptop computers. The machines are a gift to the school made possible through a collaborativ
On Friday June 18, 2021, Cornwall College received a total of 115 Dell Latitude 14 inch laptop computers. The machines are a gift to the school made possible through a collaborative effort of the South Florida, New York and Canadian Old Boys Associations at a total cost of $US60,000.
Given the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown of schools, there were a number of students without devices to connect and attend classes remotely. The Principal of Cornwall College, Mr Michael Ellis therefore made an urgent request for the Old Boys Associations to assist in providing devices for students whose learning was negatively impacted due to the absence of suitable computer devices.
The procurement of the devices has initiated a new era of collaboration between the various chapters of the Old Boys Associations who all maintain a common unity, passion and desire to give back to the school. Through the corporate affiliations of one of our alumni, a successful partnership was established with Dell’s corporate office that deals with charitable organizations and education initiatives in developing countries. This led to a further collaboration with Royale Computers Business Solutions, a local Dell agent through which the pricing, specifications, licensing and maintenance were arranged and confirmed.
The machines will be the property of the school and will be loaned to students on a need based, no cost basis with an annual re-evaluation. The ultimate goal is to develop a robust technological footprint at Cornwall that will act as a catalyst to empower students in this competitive global economy.

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